Global insurance and reinsurance broker, Willis Towers Watson, has said that the number of InsurTech deals announced globally in Q4 2018 increased by 24% to 63, with a total value of $1.59 billion, which is growth of 155% on the same period in 2017. ... After rising for some years and reaching its peak in the second-quarter of 2018, the number of strategic InsurTech investments by insurers and reinsurers had declined by 6%, although funding increased significantly. The broker’s latest report notes that 11 insurance-sector investors dedicated $218 million into InsurTechs in Q4 2018, which is growth of 230% from the third-quarter of 2018. This shows that the majority of InsurTech investments is still coming from outside the insurance industry. WTW notes that currently, the global industry maintains 31 strategic partnerships with tech companies, which is the highest ever recorded.
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